Liberated and Fabulous!

I dedicate this post to my good friend, Gayantha and to the Kuwaitis out there celebrating!

We met during our Elementary days in Al-Amal. Since then, we have been friends forever. I used to think he was just some geeky guy like the ones you see in American movies but once you get to know him he’s just like anybody else in the class. He’s fun to be with, there’s never a dull moment with him. He has got this personality that I can’t compare with anyone, he’s truly one of a kind. He’s the friend I can tell everything to, he’ll listen to you whenever and he’ll never judge you. He’s crazy, very hyper and very talkative. He’s got the creativity that I admire and because of that, he’s one of the reason why I pursued my Artsy Fartsy dreams. THANK YOU GAYANTHA BECAUSE I AM NOW UNEMPLOYED. Hehe I kid. I’m unemployed because I choose to be.

Anyway, I know I wasn’t there to celebrate your ever so fabulous 21st with you. I’m really sorry. I promise to make it up to you when I get back there. I just hope you’re not too busy to spend some of your time with me. I love you, my dear friend. And I really miss you.

You're getting old! BTW, this is the only decent picture I can find of the both of us.

Happy 21st Birthday, Guy!

 *Thank you Golden Apillanes for the picture above. xoxo*

As for you Kuwaitis out there.. 

Happy Liberation Day to you!

I celebrate with you!

“The invading Iraqi army was routed by the Operation Desert Storm within 42 days on February 26. Thus, from 1991 this day marked the beginning of a new life for the Kuwaitis. The flag of free Kuwait was raised in celebration, and people gathered in groups enjoying their long lost freedom.” “However, the day also has a tinge of sorrow mixed with it.

Liberation Day at Kuwait is also the day of remembering those thousands of people who lost their lives while resisting the Iraqis, all the innocent lives who are lost forever due to the sudden attacks and not forgetting those Prisoners of War who are held captive in Iraqi jails.”

*For more information, kindly visit: and google images. Thank you*

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